" Shatshashti koti theerthani 
dvisaptha bhuvaneshu cha |
Keshavasya aajnayaa yanti 
thulaamaase marudvridham || "

Sixty-six crore Holy Waters in all the 14 worlds come to stay in Kaveri in the month of Tula by the Order of Lord Keshava. One may clearly understand the glory of having a dip in the Holy River during this Tula Month by the above assertion. Special abhishekam with River Kaveri theertham will be held in Thirupparaithurai, Srirangam, Mayiladuthurai and other temples in the Kaveri banks. In Srirangam, Kaveri theertham will be carried in golden pot at the top of elephant for abhishekam.

This year sacred Thula snanam (tamil month of Aipasi ஐப்பசி) in the holy river Kaveri starts today 18th October 2019 and ends on 17th November 2019. Given below the prarthana sloka from Brahmanda purana for River Kaveri.

Kaveri Prarthana Sloka

Maruth druthe , maha bhage,
Maha devi, Manohare,
Sarvabheeshta  pradhe devi
snasthithaam  punya vardhini 1

மருத்த்ருதே மஹாபாகே
மஹாதேவி மனோஹரே |
ஸர்வாபீஷ்ட ப்ரதேதேவி
ஸ்நாஸ்திதாம் புண்யவர்திநி ||
मरुद्धृते महाभागे महादेवि मनोहरे
सर्वाभीष्टप्रदे देवि स्नास्थितां पुण्यवर्धिनि

Meaning :
Goddess Kaveri  who brings the breeze, great one, great goddess, pretty one, who fulfils all desires and increases Punya if we bathe in her.

Sarva papa  kshaya kare,
Mama Papam vinasaya,
Kavera  kanye, Kaveri,
Samudhra  mahishi priye. 2

மம பாபம் விநாஶய ।
கவேரகந்யே காவேரி
ஸமுத்ர மஹிஷிப்ரியே ॥ 

सर्वपापक्षयकरे मम पापं विनाशय
कवेरकन्ये कावेरि समुद्रमहिषिप्रिये

Goddess Kaveri who weakens all sins , please destroy  my sins.
Oh Lady Kaveri dear to the queen  of the ocean.

DEhi may bhakthi mukthi thvam
sarva theertha swaroopini,
Sindhu varye, dhaya  sindho
maam udhara Dhayambudhe .  3

தேஹி மே பக்திமுக்தி த்வம்
ஸர்வதீர்த ஸ்வரூபிணி ।
ஸிந்து வர்யே தயாஸிந்தோ
மாமுத்தர தயாம்புதே ॥ 

देहि मे भक्तिमुक्ति त्वं सर्वतीर्थस्वरूपिणि
सिन्धुवर्ये दयासिन्धो मामुद्धर दयाम्बुधे

Meaning :
Oh Goddess  who has the form of all sacred waters, please give devotion and salvation.
Oh Chosen one of the sea, Oh ocean of mercy, please uplift me, Oh ocean of mercy.

Sthriyam dehi  Sutham dehi
Sriyam dehi  thatha swagaa,
AAyushyam dehi  cha aarogyam
Rinaan muktham   kurushva maam, 4

ஸ்த்ரியம் தேஹி ஸுதம் தேஹி
ஶ்ரியம் தேஹி தத: ஸ்வகா ।
ஆயுஷ்யம் தேஹி சாரோக்யம்
ருணாந்முக்தம் குருஷ்வ மாம் ॥

स्त्रियं देहि सुतं देहि श्रियं देहि ततः स्वगा
आयुष्यं देहि चारोग्यं ऋणान्मुक्तं कुरुष्व माम्

Please give me wife, give me sons, give me prosperity, give me long life span, give me health and free me from debts.

THaasaam cha sarithaam  madhye
Sahaakanyaagha naasini,
Kaveri LOka  Vikhyaathaa
Janath  aapan nivarini. 5

தாஸாம் ச ஸரிதாம் மத்யே
ஸஹ்யகந்யாக நாஶிநி ।
காவேரி லோகவிக்யாதா
ஜநதாபநிவாரிணி ॥ 

तासां सरितां मध्ये सह्यकन्याघनाशिनि
कावेरि लोकविख्याता जनतापनिवारिणि
Oh river who among other great rivers,flows from the mountains  and destroys sins, who is the world famous Kaveri and who removes dangers of people.

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