Totakashtakam is composed by Sri Totakacharya one of the Chief disciples of Sri Adi Shankara. Totakacharya composed these verses with the utter devotion to his Guru. It consists of 8 verses (Ashtakam), traditionally we do Namaskaram during recital of each verse. 


The spirit of devotion of the disciple is best expressed in the following lines :
You are my only Refuge, O my Master Shankara... (bhava Sankara deshika me sharanam)! Adi Sankara, the Guru,  is all to him and nothing equal to him. Nothing Superior to him. He only remove the darkness of ignorance for all.
Viditákhila Shastra Sudhájaladhe
Mahitopa Nisatkathi Tárthanidhe |
Hrudaye Kalaye Vimalam Charanam
Bhava Shañkara Deshika me Sharanam ||

महितोपनिषत् कथितार्थनिधे ।
हृदये कलये विमलं चरणं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ १॥

விதிதாகில ஶாஸ்த்ர ஸுதா ஜலதே
மஹிதோப நிஷத்கதி தார்தனிதே ।
ஹ்ருதயே கலயே விமலம் சரணம்
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ||

    I take refuge in mu Guru - the master of Sastra, the Ocean of nectar; On the blemish less feet of one, who is the repository of the supreme knowledge found in the Upanishads, I meditate in the lotus feet of my heart.

Karuná Varunalaya Pálaya mám
Bhavaságara dukha Vidünahrudam |
Rachayákhila Darshanat tattvavidam
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharaïam ||

करुणावरुणालय पालय मां
भवसागरदुःखविदूनहृदम् ।
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ २॥

கருணா வருணாலய பாலயமாம்
பவஸாகர து:க்க விதூனஹ்ருதம் ।
ரசயாகில தர்ஶனதத்வ விதம்
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

    Oh! Compassionate even without any cause! Protect me and relieve me from the misery of the world of sorrow that lies in my heart. Make me obtain knowledge of Sastras and philosophy like you.

Bhavatá Janatá Suhitá bhavitá
Nijabodhavichárana Chárumate |
Kalayeshvara jiva vivekavidam
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharanam ||

भवता जनता सुहिता भविता
निजबोधविचारण चारुमते ।
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ३॥

பவதா ஜனதா ஸுஹிதா பவிதா
நிஜபோத விசாரண சாருமதே ।
கலயேஶ்வர ஜீவ விவேக விதம்
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

     You have made the common men and the one who has the knowledge to inquire into self and attain happiness. Please make me realise the truth of Jiva and Ishwara.

Bhava eva Bhavániti me nitarám
Samajáyata Chetasi Kautukitá |
Mama váraya Mohamahájaladhim
Bhava Shankara Deshika me Sharanam ||

भव एव भवानिति मे नितरां
समजायत चेतसि कौतुकिता ।
मम वारय मोहमहाजलधिं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ४॥

பவ ஏவ பவானிதி மே நிதராம்
ஸமஜாயத சேதஸி கௌதுகிதா ।
மம வாரய மோஹ மஹா ஜலதிம்
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

    My clean knowledge that you are the very Siva himself made my heart experience great bliss. Pray this delusion in my mind of this life (of birth and death) be removed by you.

Sukrute Dhikrute bahudhá bhavato
Bhavitá samadarsanalalasata |
Atidinamimam Paripálaya mám
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharanam ||

सुकृतेऽधिकृते बहुधा भवतो
भविता समदर्शनलालसता ।
अतिदीनमिमं परिपालय मां
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ५॥

ஸுக்ருதே திக்ருதே பஹுதா பவதோ
பவிதா ஸமதர்ஶன லாலஸதா ।
அதிதீனமிமம் பரிபாலய மாம்
பவ ஶங்கர தே³ஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

    By gaining innumerable virtues, one can look at all as one and the same (equanimity). As I am very weak, you only have to protect me.

Jagatimavitum Kalitá krutayo
Vicharanti Mahamaha Sashchalatah |
Abhimámsurivatra Vibhási Guro
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharanam ||

जगतीमवितुं कलिताकृतयो
विचरन्ति महामहसश्छलतः ।
अहिमांशुरिवात्र विभासि गुरो
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ६॥

ஜகதீமவிதும் கலிதாக்ருதயோ
விசரந்தி மஹாமஹ ஸச்சலத: ।
அஹிமாம்ஶுரிவாத்ர விபாஸி குரோ
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

    Great Gnanis roam unidentified, appear like common people only to protect world. Among them, you are shining like a brilliant blaze of fire.

Gurupuñgava Puñgava ketana te
Samatámayatám Nahi ko pi sudhi: |
Sharanágatavatsala tattvanidhe
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharanam ||

गुरुपुंगव पुंगवकेतन ते
समतामयतां नहि कोऽपि सुधीः ।
शरणागतवत्सल तत्त्वनिधे
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ७॥

குரு புங்கவ புங்கவகேதன தே
ஸமதாமயதாம் நஹி கோபி ஸுதீ: ।
ஶரணாகத-வத்ஸல தத்த்வனிதே
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥ 

    You are the greatest of all masters as no one can ever be equal to you in possessing true knowledge. O Supreme Philosopher! You are blessing who ever had surrendered unto you.

Viditá na Mayá vishadaikakalá
Na cha kimchana kánchanamasti Guro |
Drutameva Vidhehi Krupám sahajám
Bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharanam ||

विदिता न मया विशदैककला
न च किंचन काञ्चनमस्ति गुरो ।
द्रुतमेव विधेहि कृपां सहजां
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ८॥

விதிதா ந மயா விஶதைககலா
ந ச கிஞ்சன காஞ்சன மஸ்தி குரோ ।
த்ருதமேவ விதேஹி க்ருபாம் ஸஹஜாம்
பவ ஶங்கர தேஶிக மே ஶரணம் ॥

     O Guru! Neither could I understand ever a single attribute of your great qualities, nor do I possess any wealth. Hence please bestow your natural compassion immediately.


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