Slokas4kids - Moral Story

முயற்சி திருவினை ஆக்கும் முயற்றின்மை
இன்மை புகுத்தி விடும். (குறள் - 616)

MuyaRchi thiruvinai aakkum muyatrinmai
Inmai pukuththi vidum (Kural - 616)


முயற்சி ஒருவனுக்குச் செல்வத்தைப் பெருகச் செய்யும், முயற்சி இல்லாதிருத்தல் அவனுக்கு வறுமையைச் சேர்த்துவிடும்.

Labour will produce wealth; idleness will bring poverty.

Effort brings fortune; its absence brings nothing.


Once, Lord Indra got upset with Farmers, he announced there will be no rain for 12 years and you won’t be able to produce crops.

Farmers begged for clemency from Lord Indra , who then said , Rain will be possible only if Lord Shiva plays his Damaru. But he secretly requested Lord Shiva not to agree to these Farmers and when Farmers reached Lord Shiva he repeated the same thing that he will play Damrau after 12 years.

Disappointed Farmers decided to wait till 12 years.

But one Farmer regularly was digging, treating and manuring the soil, sowing the seeds even with no crop emerging.

Slokas4kids - Moral Story

Other Farmers were making fun of that Farmer . After some times all Farmers asked that Farmer why are you wasting your time and energy when you know that rains will not come before 12 years.

He replied “I know that crop won’t come out but I’m doing it as a matter of “practice”. After 12 years I will forget the process of growing crops and working in the field so I must keep it doing so that I’m fit to produce the crop the moment there is rain after 12 years.”

Hearing his argument Goddess Parvathi praised his version before Lord Shiva & said “You may also forget playing the Damaru after 12 years!"

The innocent Lord Shiva in his anxiety just tried to play the Damrau, to check if he could….and hearing the sound of Damaru immediately there was rain and the farmer who was regularly working in the field got his crop emerged immediately while others were disappointed.

It is the practice which keeps on making you perfect.

We become even diseased or old just because we don’t practice.

Practice is the essence of quality survival.

So, let lock down lift after 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. Whatever trade or profession we are in, keep sharpening our skills, practice with what we have, upgrade our knowledge.

Don’t wait for rain , that is the lock down to be lifted and then start something… 

Focus on improving skills today, up-skill your self so that you are ready to meet the challenges.

Without labour nothing prospers...


Anonymous said…
Practice makes a man perfect.Super story.
Anonymous said…
Practice makes a man perfect.Super story.
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