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✨ Shri Ganesha Bhujangam is a beautiful verse describing Lord Ganesha written by Sri Adi Sankaracharya. 

✨ Shri Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies. 

✨ By chanting Shri Ganesha Bhujangam our Debts and poverty can be forever forbidden from one’s life. Hail the Lord Ganesha!

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Sri Ganesha bhujangam 
ஶ்ரீகணேஶ புஜங்கம்

Raṇatkṣudra ghaṇṭāni nādābhirāmaṃ
Calat tāṇḍavod daṇḍavat padmatālam
Lasattundilāṅgo parivyālahāraṃ
Gaṇādhīśa mīśānasūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 1..

रणत्क्षुद्र घण्टानि नादाभिरामं 
चलत्ताण्डवोद्दण्डवत्पद्म तालम् । 
लसत्तुन्दिलाङ्गो परिव्यालहारं 
गणाधीश मीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ १॥ 

ரணத்க்ஷுத்³ர க⁴ண்டானி நாதா³பி⁴ராமம்
சலத் தாண்ட³வோத்³த³ண்ட³வத் பத்³மதாலம் 
லஸத்துந்தி³லாங்கோ³ பரிவ்யாலஹாரம்
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶானஸூனும் தமீடே³ .. 1.. 

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of Shiva, Who appears pleasing with the sounds of joyful swinging small bells across His body, Whose lotus-feet is trembling to the dance of Tandav in rebellious ways, and who has a snake-garland shining over His belly.

Dhvani dhvaṃsa vīṇālayollāsi vaktraṃ 
Sphuracchuṇḍa daṇḍollasadbījapūram 
Galaddarpa saugandhya lolālimālaṃ 
Gaṇādhīśamīśānasūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 2.. 

ध्वनि ध्वंसवीणालयोल्लासि वक्त्रं
स्फुरच्छुण्ड दण्डोल्लसद्बीजपूरम् । 
गलद्दर्पसौगन्ध्य लोलालिमालं 
गणाधीश मीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ २॥ 

த்⁴வநித்⁴வம்ʼஸவீணால யோல்லாஸி வக்த்ரம்
ஸ்பு²ரச்சு²ண்ட³ த³ண்டோ³ல்லஸத்³ பீ³ஜபூரம் |
க³லத்³த³ர்ப ஸௌக³ந்த்⁴ய லோலாலிமாலம்
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶான ஸூனும் தமீடே³ .. 2..

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of Shiva, Whose face is resplendent hearing the sounds coming out from the strings of veena (music instrument), Who has a resplendent trunk-stem and temple, Who has a shiny flow of juice from the trunk-temple, and Who has a trickling garland of fragrant flowers with bumble-bees hovering around.

Prakāśajja pārakta ranta prasūna- 
Pravāla prabhā tāruṇajyotirekam  
Pralambodaraṃ vakratuṇḍaika dantaṃ 
Gaṇādhīśa mīśāna sūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 3.. 

प्रकाशज्ज पारक्त रन्तप्रसून- 
प्रवालप्रभा तारुणज्योतिरेकम् । 
प्रलम्बोदरं वक्रतुण्डैक दन्तं 
गणाधीश मीशान सूनुं तमीडे ॥ ३॥ 

ப்ரகாஶஜ்ஜ பாரக்தரந்த ப்ரஸூன- 
ப்ரவால ப்ரபா⁴ தாருணஜ்யோதிரேகம்
ப்ரலம்போ³த³ரம் வக்ரதுண்டை³க த³ந்தம்
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶான ஸூனும் தமீடே³ .. 3.. 

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of  Shiva, Who is shining like the blood-red inner new shoots of the china rose (a.dahula) owing to the morning red light, Who has a large belly, Who has a round belly, and Who has one-elephant tusk.

Vicitr asphuradratna mālākirīṭaṃ
Kirīṭollasac candrarekhā vibhūṣam
Vibhūṣaikabhūśaṃ bhavadhvaṃ sahetuṃ
Gaṇādhīśa mīśāna sūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 4..

विचित्र स्फुरद्रत्न मालाकिरीटं 
किरीटोल्लसच्चन्द्ररेखाविभूषम् । 
विभूषैकभूशं भवध्वंसहेतुं 
गणाधीश मीशान सूनुं तमीडे ॥ ४॥ 

விசித்ர ஸ்பு²ரத்³ரத்ன மாலாகிரீடம்
கிரீடோல்லஸச் சந்த்³ரரேகா² விபூ⁴ஷம் 
விபூ⁴ஷைக பூ⁴ஶம்ʼ ப⁴வத்⁴வம் ஸஹேதும் 
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶான ஸூனும்ʼ தமீடே³ .. 4.. 

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of Shiva, Who is adorned by colorful shining garland of diamonds and jewels, Who is adorned at the forehead by streaks of diamond-like moon, Who is like the ornament of those without ornaments, and Who is for the destruction of the world (at the end of Kalpa).

Udañcadbhujāvallarī dṛśyamūlo-
cCaladbhrūlatā vibhrama bhrājadakṣam
Marut sundarīcāmaraiḥ sevyamānaṃ
Gaṇādhīśamīśānasūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 5..

उदञ्चद्भुजावल्लरी दृश्यमूलो- 
च्चलद्भ्रूलता विभ्रमभ्राजदक्षम् । 
मरुत्सुन्दरीचामरैः सेव्यमानं 
गणाधीश मीशान सूनुं तमीडे ॥ ५॥ 

உத³ஞ்சத்³ பு⁴ஜாவல்லரீ த்³ருʼஶ்யமூலோ- 
ச்சலத் ³ ப்⁴ரூலதா விப்⁴ரம ப்⁴ராஜத³க்ஷம்
மருத் ஸுந்த³ரீசாமரை꞉ ஸேவ்யமானம் 
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶான ஸூனும் தமீடே³ .. 5.. 

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of Shiva, Who has elevating creeper like hand, which is worth a sight, Whose forehead is moving to and fro and shining, and Who is served by the fan of shining beauty.

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Sphuran niṣh ṭhurā lola piṅgākṣitāraṃ
Kṛpākomalodāra līlāvatāram
Kalābindugaṃ gīyate yogivaryai-
rgaṇādhīśa mīśāna sūnuṃ tamīḍe .. 6..

कृपाकोमलोदार लीलावतारम् । 
कलाबिन्दुगं गीयते योगिवर्यै- 
र्गणाधीश मीशान सूनुं तमीडे ॥ ६॥ 

ஸ்பு²ரந் நிஷ்டு²ரா லோல பிங்கா³க்ஷிதாரம்
க்ருʼபா கோமலோதா³ர லீலாவதாரம் 
கலாபி³ந்து³க³ம்ʼ கீ³யதே யோகி³வர்யைர்
க³ணாதீ⁴ஶ மீஶானஸூனும் தமீடே³ .. 6.. 

I praise the leader of the Gana of Rudra, Who is the son of Shiva, Who has a shining and rough tongue, Who has yellowish corner (pupil) of the eyes, Who takes an incarnation for mercy, comfort and benevolence, and Who is attained by the Yogi who sing His praises

Yamekākṣaraṃ nirmalaṃ nirvikalpaṃ
Guṇātīta mānandamākāra śūnyam
Paraṃ paramoṅkāramānmāya garbhaṃ
Vadanti pragalbhaṃ purāṇaṃ tamīḍe .. 7.. 

यमेकाक्षरं निर्मलं निर्विकल्पं 
गुणातीतमानन्दमाकारशून्यम् । 
परं परमोङ्कारमान्मायगर्भं । 
वदन्ति प्रगल्भं पुराणं तमीडे ॥ ७॥ 

யமேகாக்ஷரம்  நிர்மலம்  நிர்விகல்பம் 
கு³ணாதீத மானந்த³ மாகார ஶூன்யம் 
பரம் பரமோங்காரமான்மாயக³ர்ப⁴ம்  
வத³ந்தி ப்ரக³ல்ப⁴ம் புராணம் தமீடே³ .. 7.. 

I praise that Ganesha, Who is the beginning of the universe, Who is pure, Who is free from differences, Who is beyond the qualities, Who is pure bliss, Who is formless, Who is beyond everything, Who is OMkar, Who is the creator of illusions, and Whom eminent Purana sing.

Cidānandasāndrāya śāntāya tubhyaṃ
Namo Viśvakartre ca hartre ca tubhyam
Namo'nantalīlāya kaivalyabhāse
Namo viśvabīja prasīdeśasūno .. 8..

चिदानन्दसान्द्राय शान्ताय तुभ्यं 
नमो विश्वकर्त्रे च हर्त्रे च तुभ्यम् । 
नमोऽनन्तलीलाय कैवल्यभासे 
नमो विश्वबीज प्रसीदेशसूनो ॥ ८॥ 

சிதா³னந்த³ ஸாந்த்³ராய ஶாந்தாய துப்⁴யம் 
நமோ விஶ்வகர்த்ரே ச ஹர்த்ரே ச துப்⁴யம்  
நமோ(அ)னந்தலீலாய கைவல்யபா⁴ஸே 
நமோ விஶ்வபீ³ஜ ப்ரஸீதே³ஶஸூனோ .. 8..

Salutations for Ganesha, Who agglutinates happiness and bliss, Who is peaceful, Who creates and destroys the world, Who has immeasurable sportivity (leela), Who is only light or enlightenment. Ganesha! Who is the root of the world, Who is the son of Shiva! Accept my salutes and be happy on me.

Imaṃ saṃstavaṃ prātarutthāya bhakty
Paṭhedyastu martyo labhet sarvakāmān
Gaṇeśaprasādena sidhyanti vāco
Gaṇeśe vibhau durlabhaṃ kiṃ prasanne .. 9..

इमं संस्तवं प्रातरुत्थाय भक्त्या 
पठेद्यस्तु मर्त्यो लभेत्सर्वकामान् । 
गणेशप्रसादेन सिध्यन्ति वाचो 
गणेशे विभौ दुर्लभं किं प्रसन्ने ॥ ९॥ 

இமம்  ஸம்ஸ்தவம் ப்ராதருத்தா²ய ப⁴க்த்யா 
படே²த்³யஸ்து மர்த்யோ லபே⁴த் ஸர்வகாமான்  
க³ணேஶ ப்ரஸாதே³ன ஸித்⁴யந்தி வாசோ 
க³ணேஶே விபௌ⁴ து³ர்லப⁴ம்ʼ கிம்ʼ ப்ரஸன்னே .. 9.. 

Those who study this eulogy, having woken up in the morning, with devotion achieve all the desires in the mundane existence. They also attain a power in which spoken wishes get fulfilled (Vaak-Siddhi). When Ganesha is happy, then what can be difficult? (Nothing).

iti śrīmacchaṅkarācāryakṛtaṃ 
gaṇeśa bhujaṅga prayāt astotraṃ sampūrṇam ..

इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्यकृतं 
गणेश भुजङ्ग प्रयात स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ 

இதி ஶ்ரீமச்ச²ங்கராசார்யக்ருʼதம் 
க³ணேஶ பு⁴ஜங்க³ ப்ரயாத ஸ்தோத்ரம்ʼ ஸம்பூர்ணம் ||

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