Janmashtami is the one which marks the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna who is considered as one of the most powerful human incarnations of the Lord Vishnu. 

In 2022, Gokulashtami is celebrated on Friday, August 19th.

Interesting story of Janmashtami festival

Gokulashtami, celebrating the birth (janma) of the God Krishna on the eighth (ashtami) day of the dark fortnight of the month of August - September. The number eight has another significance in the Krishna legend in that he is the eighth child of his mother, Devaki.

In our Hindu tradition, the evil king Kamsa ruled Mathura. To extend his empire he married his sister with Vasudeva, the Yadu king. After the marriage Kamsa decided to shower the newlyweds with lavish gifts because he wants to gain the trust of Vasudeva. 

At the conclusion of the wedding ceremonies, an elaborate procession had been arranged to take the newly-married bride to her groom's house. Kamsa himself drove the gaily decorated chariot carrying Vasudeva and Devaki.

The ethereal voice alerts Kamsa

All of a sudden, an ethereal voice sounded in the sky which said: "Kamsa, your days are numbered. This woman whom you are taking to her husband's place is going to be responsible for your death because her eighth-born son will kill you".

Vasudeva & Devaki in Prison

After knowing his prediction Kamsa sent his sister and her husband Vasudeva in a prison. Actually, Kamsa wants to kill Devaki but Vasudeva promised him that he will give all his 8 children in the hands of Kamsa if he would spare Devaki's life.

Kamsa agreed and one by one he killed all the six children who were born to the couple. For the 7 times when Devaki gets pregnant interesting things start happening. Through divine intervention, the seventh child of Devaki is transferred from her womb to the womb of Rohini, Vasudeva's first wife and in this way Devaki's and Vasudeva seventh child was safely born.

When again Devaki was pregnant Kamsa again was anxious to kill the couple's another child but God's wish was different. Krishna was in fact the eighth child of Devaki and also the avatar of Lord Vishnu.

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Lord Narayana appeared in the prison

When Devaki was going into labour pain, Vishnu appears in her prison cell and informs Vasudeva that his eighth child is an incarnation of himself that is Lord Vishnu and will make end of the kingdom of Kamsa.

That night was dark with thunderstorm and lightning; Vishnu destroys all the locks and puts the guards to sleep. He also gave instructions to Vasudeva on what he has to do and then suddenly Lord Vishnu disappeared.

Lord Krishna Takes Birth

Babies cry when they are born, but Krishna was born smiling. Immediately after birth, Krishna revealed to Devaki and Vasudeva His form as Narayana, complete with four arms, holding the conch, the Chakra and other paraphernalia, the jewel Kausthuba gleaming around His neck and the mark Srivatsa on His chest.

To the one fortunate to be His mother, He said: "Devaki, twice before in your earlier births, I have been born as your Son. This is the last time. At the end of this birth you will gain Liberation." Turning to Vasudeva, He said: "Vasudeva, you will carry My infant form in a basket to Gokulam to the house of Nanda. There you will find a newly-born baby girl by the side of Yasoda. Place Me near Yasoda and bring the baby girl back with you to this prison cell. Do precisely as I say. Have no fear, for now I am here!" So saying, the Lord reverted to His baby form.

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Adhi Sesha protects Baby Krishna on his journey to Gokulam
Vasudeva as per the instructions left the palace by carrying a wicker basket containing his divine son by crossing the Yamuna River.

Vasudeva Exchanges the Divine Babies

Soon Vasudeva reached Gokulam with the Divine "load" on his head and entered Nanda's house where both Nanda and his wife Yasoda were deep in slumber. Next to Yasoda was a tiny girl, obviously just given birth to, but Yasoda was totally unaware of the event. 

Vasudeva exchanges the divine children 

Vasudeva quietly placed his son by the side of Yasoda, lifted the baby girl and, after putting her in the basket slowly retraced his steps to the prison. Once he reached there and placed the baby girl next to Devaki, the doors automatically snapped shut and the shackles came back on him just as before.

The baby girl now began to cry, as all new-borns do and hearing the cry, the prison guards woke up. They were aghast to discover that they had been sleeping all along in clear violation of Kamsa's strict orders and springing into action, hastened to the chamber where Devaki and her husband were being held captive. 

Seeing a new born baby, they then rushed to inform Kamsa of the event. Anxious to destroy his enemy, Kamsa hurried to the prison but when he arrived, he was astonished to see a girl rather than the boy which the ethereal voice had warned him to expect. 

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"There is no escape for you, no matter how much you try!" Maya to Kamsa

Puzzled he was, but unwilling to take any chances, he promptly seized the girl and lifted her with a view to smash her. But low and behold, the baby slipped out of his hands, soared into the sky, assumed the gigantic form of Devi and then said: "Kamsa, you fool, I am not the one who is to kill you. He, who will be your nemesis, is already born and is elsewhere. There is no escape for you, no matter how much you try"; so saying, the form vanished. Kamsa stood petrified, and slowly it began to sink into him that his enemy had not only outwitted him but was secure elsewhere.

Yashoda Becomes Krishna’s ‘Mother’

While this great drama was going on in the prison chambers, Nanda and Yasoda woke up. And when Yasoda saw the worlds most beautiful and charming baby, her joy knew no bounds. 

"What a wonderful gift the Lord has given me", she thought; little did she know that the "gift" was none other than the Lord Himself! The news that a son had been born to Nanda spread like wild fire and everyone in the village of Gokulam rejoiced.

Meanwhile, Kamsa continued to worry, wondering whatever happened to the son who was supposed to be born after the eighth conception of Devaki. He had been warned that his nemesis was growing up elsewhere; now where would that be? Panicking, he decided that he would forthwith kill all new-borns in his kingdom and for implementing this vile and demonic plan, he sought the help of a number of demons.

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Krishna Playing flute with Balram & his friends
In this way Krishna grew up in Gokulam and finally killed his uncle, Kamsa.

The actual celebration of Krishna Janmashtami takes place during the midnight because it is believed that Lord Krishna was born on a dark, stormy and windy night to end the rule of his maternal uncle Kamsa.

How Janmashtami is celebrated?

In whole India, it is celebrated with devotional songs, people keep fasting the whole day, several temples were decorated beautifully dedicated to the life journey of Krishna.

Mainly, Janmashtami celebration at Mathura and Vrindavan is very special as he had spent his life there. The image of Krishna in the midnight is bathed in water and milk then he dressed in new clothes and worshipped. Sweets are first offered to the God and then distributed as Prasada.

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Also, on this day people used to hung pots of butter and milk in the streets on the poles, men form pyramids to reach and break the pots. It is famous as Dahi Handi

This predicts Krishna's childhood days when he used to play with the cowherds boys and stole curds hung out of reach by their mothers. So, he was also known as ‘Makhanchor’ the one who steals butter. People used to sing, dance in groups.

In Tamil Nadu, the Maa Kolam, or the Wet Kolam Mix is used to draw Krishna footprints from their doorstep to puja room on the beleif that krishna comes to our homes on this auspicious day.


Dance-drama enactments of the life of Krishna according to the Bhagavata Purana (such as Rasa Lila or Krishna Lila), devotional singing through the midnight when Krishna was born, fasting (upavasa), a night vigil (Ratri Jagaran), and a festival (Mahotsav) on the following day are a part of the Janmashtami celebrations. It is celebrated particularly in Mathura and Vrindavan.


We offer the following as neivedhyam on this auspicious day to Lord Krishna

Neivedhyam to Lord Krishna

Some of the Sri Krishna Stotras with lyrics & audio is given below. Click on the links. Let us chant these stotras to get the blessings of Bhagwan Sri Krishna.

🦚 Madhurashtakam

🦚 Govindashtakam

वसुदेव सुतं देवं कंस चाणूरमर्दनं |
देवकी परमानन्दं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुं ||


Pallavi said…
Good one Akka 👍🏻🙏🏻
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