Govindashtakam is one of the works of Sri Adi Shankaracharya. It describes the life and essence of Krishnavataram, wherein God took the form of a cowherd. Chanting Govindashtakam regularly is the most powerful way to please Lord Govinda to get his blessing.

For the protection of the righteous ones (committed to dharma), for the destruction of the unrighteous ones (follow adharma), and for the establishment of dharma I take birth in every age.
- Bhagavan Sri Krishna


Satyaṃ jñānamanantaṃ nityam
anākāśaṃ paramākāśam
Gōsṭḥaprāṅ ganạ riṅkhanạ lōlam
Anāyāsaṃ paramāyāsam |

Māyā kalpita nānākāram-
kṣmāmā nātham anāthaṃ pranạmata
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

ஸத்யம் ஜ்ஞானமனந்தம் நித்யம்
அனாகாஶம் பரமாகாஶம்
கோஷ்ட ப்ராங்கண ரிங்கண லோலம்
அனாயாஸம் பரமாயாஸம் |

மாயாகல்பித நானாகாரம்
அனாகாரம் புவனாகாரம்
க்ஷ்மாமா னாதமனாதம் ப்ரணமத
கோவிந்தம் பரமானந்தம் ||

सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं नित्यमनाकाशं परमाकाशं
गोष्ठप्राङ्गणरिङ्खणलोलमनायासं परमायासम् ।
मायाकल्पितनानाकारमनाकारं भुवनाकारं
क्ष्मामा नाथमनाथं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who is the protector of the world, who made his advent in the world as Gopála through his lilá, who is the protector of the race (of Yádavas) and of cows, who made the cowherds happy by lifting up through his lilá the Govardhana mountain were the gopès used to play, whose name ``Govinda'' is uttered clearly by the cows (or scriptures), who has may names, and who is beyond the reach of the ignorant.

Mṛt snāmatsīhēti yaśōdā 
tāḍana śaiśava-santrāsam
Vyādita vaktrālōkita lōkālōka
Caturdaśa lōkālim |

Lōka trayapura mūla stambhaṃ 
Lōkā lōka manālōkam
Lōkēśaṃ paramēśaṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

ம்ருʼத் ஸ்நாமத்ஸீஹேதி யஶோதா³
தாட³ந ஶைஶவ ஸந்த்ராஸம்
வ்யாதி³த வக்த்ராலோகித லோகாலோக
சதுர்த³ஶ லோகாலிம் ।

லோக த்ரயபுர மூல ஸ்தம்ப⁴ம்
லோகாலோக மநாலோகம்
லோகேஶம் பரமேஶம் ப்ரணமத
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥

मृत्स्नामत्सीहेति यशोदाताडनशैशव सन्त्रासं
व्यादित वक्त्रालोकित लोकालोक चतुर्दश लोकालिम् ।
लोकत्रयपुरमूलस्तम्भं लोकालोकमनालोकं
लोकेशं परमेशं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

Meaning : 

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who showed the fear of a child when beaten by Yashoda saying, “You are eating earth”, and in whose opened mouth was seen the row of fourteen worlds, visible and invisible, who is the support of the three worlds (vis., Svarga, prithvi, patala), who is in the form of the worlds, visible and invisible, who cannot be seen, who is the controller of the universe and who is the supreme Lord.

Traiviṣṭa paripuvīraghnaṃ 
Kṣiti bhāraghnaṃ bhava rōgaghnam
Kaivalyaṃ nava nītāhāram 
Anāhāraṃ bhuvanāhāram |

Vaimalya sphuṭa cētō vṛtti
Viśēṣā bhāsa manābhāsam
śaivaṃ kēvala śāntaṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||
த்ரைவிஷ்ட பரிபுவீரக்⁴நம் 
க்ஷிதி பா⁴ரக்⁴நம் ப⁴வ ரோக³க்⁴நம்
கைவல்யம் நவ நீதா ஹாரம் 
அநாஹாரம் பு⁴வநாஹாரம் ।

வைமல்ய ஸ்பு²ட சேதோ வ்ருʼத்தி 
விஶேஷா பா⁴ஸ மநாபா⁴ஸம்
ஶைவம் கேவல ஶாந்தம் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥

त्रैविष्ट परिपुवीरघ्नं क्षिति भारघ्नं भवरोगघ्नम् ।
कैवल्यं नवनीताहारमनाहारं भुवनाहारम् ।
वैमल्य स्फुट चेतो वृत्ति विशेषा भास मनाभासम् ।
शैवं केवलशान्तं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥ 

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who killed the mighty enemies of the Devas and reduced the weight of the world, who removes the disease of birth (from his devotees), who is one, who had butter for his food, though not requiring food at all, who swallowed the world (during pralaya), who shines brilliantly in the pure and clear mental mode, who cannot be revealed by anything else, who adores Ùiva, and who is wholly auspicious.


Gōpālaṃ prabhulīlā vigraha
Gōpālaṃ kulagōpālam
Gōpīkhēlana gōvardhana dhṛtī
Leela lālālita gōpālam |

Gōbhir nigadita-gōvinda sphuṭa
Nāmānaṃ bahu nāmānam
Gōdhī gōcaradūraṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

கோ³பாலம் ப்ரபு⁴லீலா விக்³ரஹ
கோ³பாலம் குலகோ³பாலம்
கோ³பீ கே²லந கோ³வர்த⁴ந த்⁴ருʼதி
லீலாலாலித கோ³பாலம் ।

கோ³பி⁴ர் நிக³தி³த கோ³விந்த³ ஸ்பு²த
நாமாநம் ப³ஹுநாமாநம்
கோ³தி⁴ கோ³சர தூரம் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥

गोपालं प्रभुलीला विग्रहगोपालं कुलगोपालम् ।
गोपी खेलन गोवर्धन धृति लीला लालित गोपालम् ।
गोभिर्निगदित गोविन्द स्फुट नामानं बहुनामानम् ।
गोधी गोचर दूरं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who is the protector of the world, who made his advent in the world as Gopala through his leela, who is the protector of the race and of cows, who made the cowherds happy by lifting up through his leela the Govardhana mountain were the gopis used to play, whose name “Govinda” is uttered clearly by the cows (or scriptures), who has may names, and who is beyond the reach of the ignorant.

Gōpī maṇḍala gōṣṭhī bhēdaṃ 
Bhēdā vasthama bhēdābham
śaśvad gōkhura nirdhūtōdgata 
Dhūlī dhūsara saubhāgyam |

śraddhā bhakti gṛhītā nandama
Cintyaṃ cintita sadbhāvam
Cintāmaṇi mahimānaṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

கோ³பீ மண்ட³ல கோ³ஷ்டி² பே⁴த³ம் 
பே⁴தா³வஸ்த²ம பே⁴தா³ப⁴ம்
ஶஶ்வத்³ கோ³கு²ர நிர்தூ⁴தோத்³க³த
தூ⁴லீ தூ⁴ஸர ஸௌபா⁴க்³யம் ।

ஶ்ரத்³தா⁴ ப⁴க்தி க்³ருʼஹீதா நந்த³ம
சிந்த்யம் சிந்தித ஸத்³பா⁴வம்
சிந்தாமணி மஹிமாநம் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥

गोपी मण्डल गोष्ठीभेदं भेदावस्थम भेदाभम् ।
शश्वद्गोखुरनिर्धूतोद्गत धूली धूसर सौभाग्यम् ।
श्रद्धा भक्ति गृहीता नन्दमचिन्त्यं चिन्तित सद्भावम् ।
चिन्तामणि महिमानं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥ 

Meaning :

 Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who was present in each of the different groups of gopis, who appears in different forms, who is one and nondual, whose beautiful form was covered by the dust raised always by the hooves of the cows, whose blissful nature is realized by sraddhá and bhakti, who is unimaginable, whose existence is known to the wise, and whose greatness is like that of the gem cintámani.


Snāna vyākula yōṣid vastra
Mupādāyāga mupārūḍam
Vyādit santīratha digvastrā 
Dātu mupākarṣantaṃ tāḥ |

Nirdhūta dvaya śōkavimōhaṃ 
Buddhaṃ buddhē rantaḥstham
Sattāmātraśarīraṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

ஸ்நாந வ்யாகுல யோஶித்³ வஸ்த்ர 
முபாதா³யாக³ முபாரூட⁴ம்
வ்யாதி³த் ஸந்திரத² தி³க்³ வஸ்த்ரா
தா³து முபாகர்ஷந்தம் தா: ।

நிர்தூ⁴த த்³வய ஶோக 
விமோஹம் பு³த்³த⁴ம் பு³த்³தே⁴ரந்தஸ்த²ம்
ஸத்தா மாத்ர ஶரீரம் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥ 

स्नान व्याकुल योषिद्वस्त्र 
मुपादायागमुपारूढम् ।
व्यादित्सन्तीरथ दिग्वस्त्रा दातु मुपाकर्षन्तं ताः
निर्धूत द्वय शोक विमोहं बुद्धं बुद्धेरन्तस्थम् ।
सत्ता मात्र शरीरं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who climbed up the tree carrying the clothes of women busily engaged in their bath and who made them come close to him for the purpose of giving the clothes to them who were naked and who desired to get back their clothes, who is free from duality, grief and delusion, who is wise, who dwells in the intellect, and who is pure-existence. 


Kāntaṃ kāranạ kāranạ mādim anādiṃ
kālamanābhāsam kālindīgata 
kāliyaśirasi sunrṭyantaṃ 
muhuratyantam |

Kālaṃ kāla kalātītaṃ
kalitā śēsạṃ kalidōsạghnam
kālatraya gatihētuṃ praṇamata 
Gōvindaṃ paramānandam ||

காந்தம் காரண காரணமாதி³மநாதி³ம் 
காலமநாபா⁴ஸம் காலிந்தீ³ க³த 
காலியஶிரஸி  ஸுந்ருʼத்யந்தம் 
முஹுர் ந்ருʼத்யந்தம் ।

காலம் காலகலாதீதம் 
கலிதாஶேஷம் கலிதோ³ஷக்⁴நம்
காலத்ரய க³திஹேதும் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥

कान्तं कारण कारणमादिमनादिं कालमनाभासम् ।
कालिन्दीगतकालियशिरसि सुनृत्यन्तम् मुहुरत्यन्तम् ।
कालं कालकलातीतं कलिताशेषं कलिदोषघ्नम् ।
कालत्रयगतिहेतुं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥ 

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, who is beautiful, who is the ultimate cause, who is the source of everything, who is without beginning whose colour is like that of the dark cloud, which often danced excessively on the hood of the serpent Kálindè inhabiting the river Yamuna, who manifests as time, who transcends the measures of time, who knows everything, who is the destroyer of the evil of kali, and who is the controller of the motion of the three dimensions of time. 


Vṛndāvanabhuvi vṛndārakagaṇa 
vṛndārādhita vandyeham,
kundābhāmala mandasmēra 
sudhānandaṃ suhrudānandam |

vandyāśēsạ mahāmunimānasa 
vandyānanda padadvandvam
vandyāśēsạgunạ̄ bdhiṃpranạ mata 
Gōvindaṃparamānandam ||

வ்ருʼந்தா³வந பு⁴வி வ்ருʼந்தா³ரகக³ண 
வ்ருʼந்தா³ராத்⁴யம் வந்தே³ঽஹம்
குந்தா³பா⁴மல மந்த³ஸ்மேர 
ஸுதா⁴நந்த³ம் ஸுஹ்ருʼதா³நந்த³ம் ।

வந்த்³யாஶேஷ மஹாமுநிமாநஸ 
வந்த்³யா நந்த³ பத³த்³வந்த்³வம்
வந்த்³யா ஶேஷ கு³ணாப்³தி⁴ம் ப்ரணமத 
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்த³ம் ॥ 

वृन्दावनभुवि वृन्दारकगण वृन्दाराधित वन्देहम् ।
कुन्दाभामल मन्दस्मेर सुधानन्दं सुहृदानन्दम् ।
वन्द्याशेष महामुनि मानस वन्द्यानन्दपदद्वन्द्वम् ।
वन्द्याशेषगुणाब्धिं प्रणमत गोविन्दं परमानन्दम् ॥ 

Meaning :

Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss who is in the land of Brindávan which is worshipped and saluted by many groups of Gods, whose nectar-bliss of spotless smile resembles kunda flower, who is infinite bliss, whose feet are praised and worshipped by the minds of all great sages adored by all, and who is the ocean of praiseworthy qualities. 


Gōvindāsṭakam ētadadhītē 
Gōvindārpita cētō ̣yō
Gōvinda acyuta mādhava visṇọ̄ 
Gōkulanāyaka krṣṇẹ̄ti |

Gōvindāṅ ghri-sarōjadhyāna-
Gōvindaṃ paramānandāmrṭam 
Antahṣthaṃsa tamabhyēti||

கோ³விந்தா³ஷ்டக மேதத³தீ⁴தே 
கோ³விந்தா³ர்பித சேதோ யோ
கோ³விந்தா³ச்யுத மாத⁴வ விஷ்ணோ 
கோ³குலநாயக க்ருʼஷ்ணேதி ।

கோ³விந்தா³ங்க்⁴ரி ஸரோஜத்⁴யாந
ஸுதா⁴ஜல தௌ⁴த ஸமஸ்தாகோ⁴
கோ³விந்த³ம் பரமாநந்தா³ம்ருʼத-
மந்த:ஸ்த²ம் ஸ தமப்⁴யேதி ॥

गोविन्दाष्टकमेतदधीते गोविन्दार्पितचेतो यो ।
गोविन्दाच्युत माधव विष्णो गोकुलनायक कृष्णेति ।
गोविन्दाङ्घ्रि सरोजध्यान सुधाजल धौतसमस्ताघः ।
गोविन्दं परमानन्दामृतमन्तस्थं स तमभ्येति ॥

Meaning :

He who recites this Govindáashtakam by fixing his mind on Govinda and uttering the names of Govinda, Acyuta, Mádhava, Vishnu, Gokulanáyaka and Krushna, and gets all his sins washed off by the nectar of meditation on the lotus-feet of Govinda, attains the indwelling Govinda, the nectar of the supreme bliss.

||iti śrīmac Shaṅkarācārya viracitaṃ gōvindāṣṭakaṃ sampūrṇam ||

॥ इति श्रीमच्छङ्कराचार्य विरचितं श्रीगोविन्दाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

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Anonymous said…
Very nice rendition.
Thanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
Excellent rendition. Very useful to recite and learn. Great work by the sloka team.👌
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