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Navadurga is said to be the nine forms of Durga. ‘Nava’ means nine. The Vedas say that there are nine forms of Durga. - Bangaru kamakshi

Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of the festival of Navratri and She is believed to improve health and bestow wealth and strength. 



Song : Kamakshi bangaru


Ragam : Varali
Talam : Misrachapu
Composer : Shyama Sastri

kAmAkshi bangAru kAmAkshi
nannu brOvavE

tAmasam(E)la rAvE
sAma gAna lOlE suSIlE (kAmAkshi)

SyAma kRshNa paripAlinI Suka
SyAmaLE Siva SankarI
SUlinI sadA-Sivuniki rANI
viSAl(A)ksha taruNI 
SASvata rUpiNI (kAmAkshi)

nA manavini vinu dEvI
nIvE gati(y)ani namminAnu
mA(y)ammA vEgamE 
karuNa jUD(ava)mmA
bangAru bommA (kAmAkshi)

Meaning :

O kAmAkshi! O bangAru kAmAkshi!
O Enjoyer of recitation of sAma vEda! O Virtuous by nature!
O Dear Consort of Siva! O Granter of desires! O kalyANI! O kAmAkshI!
O Long-Lotus-petal-Eyed! O Mother abiding in triangle(s) of SrI cakra!
O Mercy Embodied! O Sanctifier! O Soft spoken! O Protector of devotees!
O Saviour from Worldly Existence!
O Golden limbed! O Daughter of Snow Mountain! O mahESvarI!
O Embodiment of hrIM-kAra!
O Nourisher of SyAma kRshNa! O SyAmaLA sporting parrot! O Siva SankarI! O Wielder of trident! O Queen Consort of sadA-Siva! O Consort of Siva! O Form of Eternity!
O dEvI! O My Mother! O Mother! O Golden Idol!
Please protect me. I trusted You alone to be my refuge.
Why delay?
Please come and listen to my plea. Please quickly show mercy. Please protect me.


Kushmanda is a Hindu goddess, credited with creating the world with her divine smile. Followers of the Kalikula tradition believe her to be the fourth form of the Hindu goddess Durga. Her name signals her main role: Ku means "a little", Ushma means "warmth" or "energy" and Anda means "cosmic egg".

Goddess Kushmanda has eight hands and because of that She is also known as Ashtabhuja Devi. It is believed that all the power to bestow Siddhis and Niddhis are located in her Jap Mala. - Kushmanda

It is stated that She created the whole universe, which is called Brahmanda (ब्रह्माण्ड) in Sanskrit, by just flashing little bit of her smile. She also likes Bali of white pumpkin known as Kushmanda (कुष्माण्ड). 

Due to her association with Brahmanda and Kushmanda She is popularly known as Goddess Kushmanda.

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