Hello Kutties,

Ganesh Chaturthi is on the way. It will be celeberated on 10th September 2021. We all are celebrating Lord Ganesha's birthday in a very grand manner. Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival celebrating the arrival of Ganesh to earth from Kailash Parvat with his mother Goddess Parvati. Shall we read a story of Little Ganesha?

One day Ganesha decided to come down from Mount Kailash. He came to earth and joined the family of Sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi. He called them father and mother, and lived as their Son.

Delightful, cuddly, gorgeous Ganesha had come to earth. Aditi adored her lovely little baby ad spent all her time with him. She fed him yummy food, played fun games with him, and told him countless stories. Together they smiled, and giggled and laughed. 

One day, Aditi took Ganesha to the river. She always wanted to and so she did. The very little, very cute and very Sweet Ganesha sat on the river bank. Little Ganesha was enjoying the warm sunlight and the bright blue sky. He was playing with the soft, fresh grass and tried to catch the colorful butterflies fluttering around. 

Just then, little Ganesha heard Mother Aditi's voice. He looked down and saw that his mum was already in water. He stretched out his chubby little hands. He wanted to be with his mum. He kept jumping forward as he stretched out further and further until, Ganesha had fallen in.

Little Ganesha hit his chubby little hands on the cool clean water. This was fun! Lots of fun! He jumped and dipped. He swayed and he swam. He even tried to splash his mum. Together they smiled, and giggled, and laughed. Wheeee! So much fun!

But then, Something terrible, something very horrible was about to happen. From under the water came a Crocodile. A very big, long, dark and scary crocodile. The crocodile saw chubby little Ganesha and wanted to touch him. He came closer.... and closer... and closer....Quickly and suddenly he caught Ganesha. 
Slokas for kids - Little Ganesha Story

Ganesha struggled and pushed, he tried to get away, but the crocodile was too big and too strong. The crocodile held onto Ganesha, tightly. "No! Nooooo!" Aditi screamed even louder, "Somebody help! Anybody Help!!" She looked around and called out again, "Somebody come quickly and save my baby! Please, Save him quickly!!" She rushed over to try and free Ganesha. She reached out to catch his chubby little hands. But every time she got closer the crocodile dragged Ganesha further into the water. Aditi tried harder, but the crocodile kept taking Ganesha deeper and deeper into the water.

The people on the banks of the river wanted to help. Some of them shouted, "Ganesha, Hold on!" But no one was able to free Ganesha from the powerful clutch of the crocodile. Then, suddenly, there was a twinkle in Ganesha's bright and beautiful eyes. He pushed hard against the crocodile with all his might. And like a flash of lightening, daring Little Ganesha landed on the crocodile's back! 

Everybody was stunned and amazed. And then, fearless little Ganesha did the most surprising thing of all... He started dancing at the top of the crocodile's nose to the tip of its tail. Dhoom! Chak-Chak! Dhoom! Chak-a-dhoom! 

Then he jumped back into the water, grabbed the crocodile by its tail, swung it round and round and flung it onto the river bank. The crocodile landed with such a big thump & bump! And then it disappeared. Now a tall, handsome man was standing with his folded hands where the crocodile had been. He bent low, and touched Ganesha's feet. "My name is Chitra", he said. "I was cursed by the wise Sage Bhirgu when i has made a mistake." The sage said that his curse would be cured only after touching by delightful Ganesha. "So when you touched me, Ganesha I was cured. Just your touch, just the sight of you cures us all! and I'm the luckiest of all. Thank you Ganesha! ", Chitra said.

All the people Cheered, 
"Ganapati Bappa Moria! 
Mangal Moorthi Moria!"

Click here to chant Sri Ganesha Slokas.

Some of the powerful Ganesha Stotras with Audio is given below,

👉 Sri Ganesha bhujangam 

👉 Sri Ganesha Runahara Stotram  

👉  Sankatanashana Ganesha Stotram

Disclaimer : This story is taken from Chinmaya Bala Katha Series.

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